My name is Flat Stanley. I live in Scottsdale Arizona and am a good friend of Karsten , Sister Gill's grandson. He sent me here in an envelope to visit and learn about Germany. When I arrived it had snowed and there was ice everywhere making it dangerous to walk so I enjoyed the view from the balcony.
We heard the bells from this church many times a day ringing long and loud. I loved it.
A close up view of the rooster sitting on top of the church. Aunt Christi called it a weather vane.
Finally, it was safe go out, and right in the neighborhood were these neat houses. I loved the fun decor and the bright colors.
Oh, here I am with Grandma headed for the Bahn.
This was the Haltestelle (I think that is what they called out at each stop) where they get on the Bahn. We go on the 10.
Here it is. Let's go.
First stop, the Elbe River. It was really cold and there was ice floating down it. Where is my coat and hat?
This is the back of the Dom (the oldest and most famous church in Magdeburg) that I saw from the river and a part of the wall that was built around it.
This church is way bigger than it looks in this picture.
Here is the front. I wanted to go inside but it was closed this day.
As we walked toward the center of the city we saw many policemen. I think they are called Polizei. Grandma and Aunt Christi found out that there was a demonstration going on against the Nazis...whatever that is. We got right on the Bahn and went home.
I had a good visit and have a lot to tell Karsten and his friends at school about Germany. I think I would like to come back in the summer when it is green and warm.
This was the best JAE activity here in Magdeburg so far. We had eight members, three investigators and all the missionaries. It was a Family Home Evening celebrating the birthday for Christian.
Jasmin, our youngest investigator, sharing with Sister Gill.
Christian, the one standing, is a returned missionary who was recently made a counselor to our Branch President. He is a blessing to this Branch.
There were fifteen in attendance. This is a good as Dresden ever gets. We are hoping to get an official Ourtreach Center going here soon. It seems that most of the investigators and baptisms are JAE. They need a place to socialize.
This was another Family Home Evening they we enjoyed.
On New Years Day we held OUR first baptism ( we had one in Dresden just before we left) for the Magdeburg Branch. The Sisters were out finding (speaking to people on the street) and met Sven Boenig at a Bahn stop. He was "golden" from the beginning. A little over three weeks later we were on our way to Kuethen for his baptism. It was an hour train ride and a forty five minute walk in very cold weather to this little church which is the closest baptismal font to Magdeburg. There were twelve members in our traveling party and five more drove in cars.
We were privileged to be included in many of his lessons.
Our District Leader, Elder Orton, baptized him.
We carried food with us to fix for after the event. Isabella was the last one to be baptized from Magdeburg just before we came. We love Elder Wittwer.
Sister Wells and Elder Orton are showing their stress with their red faces. They have something in common.
New Years Eve our President's instructions were to be in our Wohnung by 18:00. Needless to say the four of us had a good time eating taco salad, shrimp cocktail and creamed coconut parfait. We toasted the New Year at 9:30 with Ginger ale and played Skipbo with Sister Hoffman. Sister Vasileva went to bed before these pictures were taken. Up until midnight there were fireworks going off in the streets around us and all over town. At midnight it felt like we were in a war zone and the next morning it looked like it on the streets with all the debris. We have never seen, felt or heard anything like this before. There was a huge display of color, loud noises and thick smoke in every direction and it carried on for a good 45 minutes. It tapered off a little as morning hours came but there was still singing and a few explosions at daylight.
We saw this in the night sky on New Years Eve. It is the moon and a big star.
This is what we see and hear from our balcony on the fourth floor. It was snowing this day and the floor was slippery. I was struggling to keep my balance. The bells chime at various times day and night. On Christmas and New Years they were wild.
Could not resist this picture. This was taken in the produce department in Kaufland. Yes, these are cabbages.
Some very famous architect created this building. The people here are really proud of his invention. It somehow does not fit with the local scenery but it is very interesting.
Here is a contrast with the new building next to it.
Up close
The inside patio
A random sign. I think it was in front of a government building.
A building in the downtown square.
Magdeburg has an over abundance of churches. Here is one that is downtown.
This one is on our path to Kaufland where we shop.
The Dom is Magdeburg's biggest attraction. We told a little about in in the previous post. It was built as a Catholic Church but was taken over by the Evangelists who use it today. It is very old...the oldest church in Europe, we are told.
These Gargoyles hang out protecting the church....just like the Cathedral in Salt Lake up from Temple Square.