Friday, June 18, 2010


We received another one of those"are you sitting down" calls from Our Mission President the middle of May. More changes were in store for us. Because the Germany Mission boundaries were being changed as of July 1st, Jena would become part of the Frankfurt Mission. Since we would be leaving in July and Frankfurt had a couple ready, would it be possible to bring them in early. Of course, this was an answer to prayer, so we cleaned, packed and told the wonderful friends in Jena, goodbye. We would be serving in Berlin for our last few weeks in Germany.

Our Branch Choir Sings Our Favorite Hymns in German

Sister Jensen and Sister Hadfield sing "Each Life That Touches Ours for Good" in English

Wir haben euch lieb.

Ian Sings 50s and 60s songs with a little adjustment on the lyrics

Eleen, Mirka, Ian and Ralph singing "Heilig ist der Herr"

We were to meet with the sisters to help teach Jasmin on Saturday at 5:00. When we walked into the church there were many people standing around this table to give us hugs. It was a total surprise! We sat down to dessert and visiting.

We had Abendbrot a few hours later and then Ian presented the program. It was a very nice evening and we felt loved. We will miss this wonderful Branch.

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