Most of you already know we have been transferred to Magdeburg. As we close this chapter of our mission we would like to share our feelings.
While we sat on the stand and sang with the choir during the Dresden Stake Conference we were overcome by the powerful spirit of the meeting. The choir sang so beautifully and we were in awe that we were part of it and this meeting.
Sister Gill wrote of feelings that we both felt.
Dresden Stake Conference November 2008
I wept today as I sat in the choir seats and viewed the chapel, cultural hall and side halls filled to capacity with the wonderful people of The Dresden Stake. I have been reading,” Behind The Iron Curtain”, stories of the members who lived here during World War II and survived the almost total devastation of Dresden and the 40 years of Communist Rule. It is a miracle what has happened! A beautiful building, strong faithful members, loving families, children singing their hearts out, “ I will go, I will do, the things the Lord Commands”. Spiritual talks given by devoted Priesthood Leaders, and most especially, a choir, angels, singing praises to the Lord. Christi and I sang in this choir. It was an honor for us to blend our English accents with their beautiful German voices. This is as close as we will get, for now, to singing with a heavenly choir. Thank you, thank you, Heavenly Father, for my mission here in Dresden.
I have written my feelings as poetry
Beings of Light
Another time, another place
Another people full of love
And devotion and the spirit
Doing and becoming
Beings of light, leading
Heavenly Father’s children back
To Him to whom we belong
Love expanding to fill
Our hearts, our souls
Our very beings
Overflowing into the lives of others
Creating peace and joy
And a happiness rich and full
We share together
A glimpse of our Eternal Family
Where we long to be
Here is the last report we sent to our Mission President.
When we were called to Frankfurt Area Office we were excited to be coming to Germany.Our desire was to work with the people but we wanted to go where the Lord wanted and needed us.We purposefully did not put any requests on our papers for that reason.When we were told our assignment was changed to the Outreach Program in Dresden and it was explained to us what we would be doing our hearts rejoiced.When we arrived we were immediately taken in and loved, for they had “prayed us here.”We have worked hard to do what was expected of us.We have learned about all the JAEs.We have worked diligently to get the reports and the budgeting done right. We have started a history and put out a weekly newsletter.We have cooked for, loved, and nurtured our young people.Even though we could not speak German we have been able to work well with the Student Council.As a “couple” we do not have the Priesthood but feel okay about it because there is such a strong Priesthood support in this Ward and Stake.We have joined the choir and supported all the Ward and Stake activities with smiles, hugs and love. We have been invited into several homes, some where there was no English spoken.Members are beginning to have confidence in us to help with their inactive family members and many want to teach us German.The young missionaries are using us to work with some of their investigators.We have made friends with our neighbors and many store owners in our little neighborhood. We truly have felt that this is where the Lord wants us and have been happy here.We were so sure of this that we began to tell people, who asked, that we would be here 2 years.All of the above is why it hurts our hearts to think we may have to leave it behind sooner then we thought.
However, we know that you are led by the spirit and even though a move would be difficult for us, we will be ready for the challenge, knowing that there is something to be learned from every circumstance.Of course we will do our best to serve where ever we are sent and continue to work on our challenge of learning the language.
We love Germany and the people here in Dresden.We love the missionaries and we love you and your wife.We feel very blessed to be in this mission.What a wonderful opportunity for us to be serving here.We honor you and your inspiration for the missionaries in the Berlin Mission.We will go and do as the Lord commands and all will be well.
We will be busy moving and getting settled in the next few weeks. It also may take us some time to find an internet connection. Don't give up on us we will be back......with a new title.
sounds like you guys have done so much there...maybe your work is done there for now, but maybe you guys might go back there after a while! I loved the poetry, thats exactly how I write my poetry, I must get it from you! Love you guys, you will do so awesome, just like you did here!
Good luck Christi. Thanks for keeping me posted. I look forward to hearing from you in your new location.
Another great adventure! :)
sounds like you guys have done so much there...maybe your work is done there for now, but maybe you guys might go back there after a while! I loved the poetry, thats exactly how I write my poetry, I must get it from you! Love you guys, you will do so awesome, just like you did here!
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