Sister Monson and Sister McCall will be leaving Jena.
"God Be With You Till We Meet Again"
The Sisters Leave
Our Last Picture Together in Jena
The Train is Late
We Had a Wonderful Transfer Together
These two have known each other for several years. It is hard to say goodbye.
Auf Wiedersehen
The Elders Arrive
Because the train was late for the Sisters, we were late getting to the other train station to pick up Elder Foch. We found him in the City Center looking for us.
Up the Stairs Again
We went back to the Train Station to welcome his new companion.
The Branch turns out to help President Moeller and family move to Gotha
We tape...
...load the truck...
...and eat.
The Next Day
Jena Branch Conference
Our District Presidency and other leaders came to our Branch Conference, released President Moeller and sustained President Tandetsky as our new Branch President. After the meeting, the Senior Sisters served a meal that they had prepared the night before.
The Moeller Family
We will miss these beautiful children. Notice the knife and fork. They learn how to eat European style early here.
Our Newest Member and Our New President
President Tandetsky. He has been a member for four years, two of that serving a mission in England. He will do a great job!
After dinner, President Schumann (our District President) played a tune.
Sister McCall and Sister Gill practice for a missionary fireside held later that day.
Goodbye dear President Moeller and Daniela. Thank you for your love and service.